Friday, April 20, 2012

Labels, misconceptions, and sterotypes

Hi, my name is Jennifer, and I am a pastor's daughter. There have been both wonderful things and frustrating things that go along with this. When I was in kids choir and would get a solo, some kids would say, "She only got it because her dad's the pastor." When I raised my hand in 11th grade Honors Lit to ask what a work meant the teacher replied, "You're a preacher's kid and you don't know what that word means?" as if I were the one to go to seminary. People would come up to me at church or outside of church and know who I was and know stuff about me and I'd have no idea who they were. (It still happens sometimes.) People knew my business growing up. Everybody could watch me and go tell on me to my parents. I have sometimes felt pressure to live a really good life because everybody is watching. I get frustrated with people who complain to my dad about stupid stuff at church or criticize him. On the upside, whenever new people came into the church and had kids, my dad could tell them I baby-sit and they'd immediately trust me because of my dad. I have been able to play on the grand piano in the sanctuary. I've been able to stay at one church from the age of 6 to 18, and then still come back on occassion. We've had a lot of support from church members over the years in tough times.

Hi, my name is Jennifer, and I'm an Early Childhood Major. No I cannot diagnose your struggling child while you tell me about them in the grocery store line. No I am not the Nanny like on TV who comes to fix kids with terrible behavior and leaves with perfect kids. No I do not want to discuss budget cuts, having too much testing, the future of education, or bad teachers you or your kids had. No I do not want to sub. No I did not breeze through college just learning about how to color and read kid books, it was very hard and writing lesson plans is way harder than you can imagine, to accomidate different paced kids, remediation, advanced students, ones that finish early, ones that don't finish, interaction, meet the state standards, have materials ready, connect them to other lessons, and assess if they really "got it" or not.

Hi, my name is Jennifer, and I am a barista at Starbucks. If you have ever worked with retail / the public, you will know the frustrations of crazy people coming in and out. There are obviously great people too, but it's pretty much 50/50. It is not what I want my career to be in. It is not where I hope to stay for long, but I don't hate my job. It's only cool smelling like coffee for a few days, then it gets annoying. There are a lot of dishes to do and that's no fun. It stinks when people ask what my degree is in and then I say I'm working at Starbucks. But life goes on.

Hi, my name is Jennifer, and I am a photographer. I rarely say that particular term, but I guess I am. I don't have a website, business card, or facebook page. I don't get paid or shoot for weddings or senior pictures or engagement pictures. It seems like there are too many people doing all that. But I have always loved to take pictures so that is what I do. I also love other people who take pictures. I like to look at other's pictures. I will never work for National Geographic or a magazine or an art galary. Taking pictures is simply a hobby and a passion that I will just have forever to enjoy through life.

Hi, my name is Jennifer, and I am a writer. Since the age of 7 I have kept a journal (consistantly since I was 11), and I loved xanga when it was popular. When I was younger I used to write letters all the time to everybody. On the rare occasion I get a letter that is not an e-mail or birthday card with their name signed, it means a lot to me. I have shoeboxes of letters in my closet of letters people have sent me, and what a treasure they are. All the way from elementary school up. I write poems but rarely share them. I was always good at writing papers. I write long e-mails. Again, I will never write a best selling book or write for New York Times, but writing is another passion that I will enjoy throughout life, and I love others who write.

Hi, my name is Jennifer, and I am a child of God. A follower of Christ. Not just a Christian, but so many people think they are Christians but aren't really. I've been made fun of because of being a Christian. I've been questioned and mocked. I've made decisions that others think are ridiculous because of following Christ. But through Christ I have joy and peace that nothing else in the world can offer. I have a solid rock that never changes in the world that always does. I have an excitement knowing that when I die I will be in heaven with the people I love who also follow Christ. While some people say Christians are hypocrites, I would say that everybody in the world is at some point. No religion is without them. I am not perfect. I am not always ok. I mess up. But He died on the cross so that all of that is erased.

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