Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Don't you just love it when someone writes about vague stuff?

House / dog sitting this week. They also have a few fish and a rabbit. Fish stink. Not very entertaining either. Rabbits poop a lot. Also not very entertaining. They seem like useless pets to me? The dog is big but still a "puppy," and the thing is, I'm not a fan of big dogs. Any time I'm at the house and not in the bedroom, he wants to jump up on me with his paws around my waist or on my shoulders, and play bite. Which still hurts, and I don't want slobber all over me, nor do I want his big paws to hit me continuously. And when I try to keep him down, he gets all upset and freaks out. He's peed on the kitchen floor and pooped in his cage when I got home tonight. Gross. He chewed a hole in two out of three of the sofa pillows, so I put those in a bedroom and closed the door. Since the family is used to going to bed at 9 PM and getting up at 5:30 AM and I am used to going to bed at 2 - 2:30 AM and getting up around 11 AM, I get about 4 hours of sleep before he wakes me up barking around 6 AM. I let him out and go back to sleep, but he wakes me every hour after.... Ugh. Frustrating.

I've been bringing books to read on my 10 and 30 minute breaks at work. That makes it more fun. It's also fun on days I play games on my iphone. Between those two things it makes the day more enjoyable. Plus facebook on my iphone. Ha. Weeks where I hang out with friends or go places make the week more exciting as well.

Harry Potter 4: finished. It was good.

Things at work that frustrate me:
-water getting in my gloves when I wash dishes
-washing dishes for 8 hours (plus it's so hot back there I sweat buckets)
-people who say "frappe" (pronounced frapay) instead of frappuccino or ventay instead of venti
-most of the time the headsets are way too quiet and you can't hear the person speaking, and sometimes they also can't hear you
-people who can barely speak english and try to order... it's hard to understand them and for them to tell us what they want
-rude people
-when someone asks what kind of pastries or cups we have inside when they're in drive through because there are a TON to list off, and they're far away so someone else has to list them off to you or you have to just run over and back and stuff... they should just come inside
-changing the outside trashcans because they're heavy to pull the tops off
-when the cashregistar screens delay / freeze / update because I can't remember the people's drinks that well without seeing it
-me not being able to make drinks at the same time as talk to someone or answer drive through
-me not being able to remember someone's drink if I'm not right there at the screen to ring it up
-when teens or kids from the apartments by our store steal our tips
-when someone calls or texts and I can't reply or listen to the voicemail and I really want to
-brewing a new batch of coffee every 10-30 minutes depending on how many we're brewing
-other people who stretch and break the rules. Why is it that hard for people to follow the rules?
-there are days my legs, feet and back still hurt
-doesn't pay enough

Things at work that are good / ok:
-some of the people I work with
-getting free drinks that I normally would have to pay for every day if I didn't work at Starbucks
-getting free time where I don't have to do homework, grade papers, or write lesson plans
-being able to ask off for days so that I can go places or do things with friends
-sometimes it's slow and that's ok with me
-I'm better at ringing people up now, and pretty good with making drinks (just wish I could do more than one at a time better)
-I get to see a lot of friends and people I know that come through to get starbucks, some of which I haven't seen in years
-I'm so thankful I'm not a shift leader, and never want to be one. It's nice having someone else to go to to ask questions and be responsible for the important stuff, hahaha
-I like going to other Starbucks sometimes to pick up things we ran out of because it's fun to see the other starbucks people at other stores
-I work nights which I'd much rather do because I'm terrible at waking up every morning and going to bed every night!!
-I have a great manager
-Sometimes there are ridiculous customers that are crazy that actually make me laugh hysterically because of their ridiculousness

Sunday I baptized a girl named Danielle who is 21 and it was my first time baptizing someone! I haven't known her long but I'll be meeting with her once a week for at least 6 months as an accountability partner! I had to wear these fisihing waiters (waders?) and it looked so funny! I had a shirt on over it though, so you could only see them from the waist down. I had practied in my head what I was going to say, but a moment came where it wouldn't come out and I stopped and just stood there, and thought, "Speak!!" and I finally continued.

Hey, you know what's fun? Writing about vague stuff. Because then people can be like, "Yeah, I know, me too" when they relate it to their situation which might not even be the same thing, but close enough. And that way you can talk about something personal without worrying if someone you don't want to know about it happens to read it. Ok, ready?

Vaguness #1: I think everybody in life has problems, bad days, emotional issues, pet peeves, and struggles. But it really makes me mad when someone has 50 bad days and like 4 good ones, and they complain or sulk or get mad at other people. Part of me expects it from people who aren't christians because I know that Christ is where true joy comes from, and everyone without Him is searching to fill that God-shaped hole with other stuff like careers, friends, family, drinking, partying, entertainment, whatever. But still... it's annoying. Just don't let the little things in life dominate your life. I just don't want to be around people like that.

Vaguness #2: There's this thing that I hope happens... but I know it wouldn't until at least 3 months from now or later. In the meantime, it's hard to wait. It's hard not to try to hope it happens earlier or think about it too much or get my hopes up. Because it might not actually happen. I'm praying for patience, wisdom, discernment, and the ability to step back and let God work instead of being the one who leads. It's hard for me to do that because I sometimes feel like if I don't do something, God won't (or He won't prompt others to), and that I'll miss out on things. But in reality I know that there are things that can ONLY happen by God's hand and His speaking to others in my life, and my actions would totally mess everything up.

Vaguness #3: You know how you meet people and you're instantly drawn to them? It might have nothing to do with their looks, or their looks might factor in, but you feel the want to get to know them or be friends with them or be around them, but you're not even sure why yet. And the more you learn about that person you think, "Huh, I want to be friends with this person because they seem awesome" but sometimes your paths just don't cross often and you think, "Well......are they worth my time to seek out a friendship with them when it would be more of an effort (because I wouldn't see them regularly)? Do they think the same of me?" And in the case where the other person is a guy, I think, "Well, I don't know them well enough to 'like' them but I might if I got to know them better..." and in that situation, should it be all or mostly the guy 'initiating'?

Vaguness #4: I am the type of person who wants to talk things out. I might shut down first or not want to talk about it, but at some point I do. I know everybody has their own way of dealing with conflict, anger, and sadness, but I feel like you should talk about it to get it over with and clear the air. Right? If you don't then it's just this random feeling of, "Well are we ok? Are you still mad at me? Is this conflict over or is it still brewing? Can we just move forward and forget the problem or will it be awkward?"

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