Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Fall! Yes, the season, not the action.

Ah! I have a wisdom tooth coming in! Does this signify that I am a full adult? As one of the girls I baby-sit used to ask, "Are you a kid adult?" "Yes." I replied at 21 years old. This meant I could still jump on the trampoline with them. A kid adult seemed to be a fantastic name for the 18-21 age group. Legally adults, but really just big kids with freedom and their own money (if they work). Anyways, tomorrow I go for x-rays to see if they'll need to take them out. :-( NERVOUS! Also, there goes my recent baby-sitting money!

I'm super excited for the young adults’ retreat I'm going on Oct 21-23 because we're going to a cabin in the mountains by a lake with a hot tub. 12 of us are going. We'll play games, watch movies, go hiking, go to stores where we don't really buy anything, and hopefully I will get mint chocolate fudge. Because I LOVE LOVE LOVE mint chocolate fudge and can only find it in touristy places or order it online. Some of my great friends are going on this weekend retreat also which makes it even more enjoyable. It's a weekend that there is always so much laughter that you can't breathe, your stomach hurts, and tears roll down your cheeks. Also we have singing, devotions, quiet times. It's probably one of my favorite things each year, even with different people going each year.

There’s a new facebook layout coming out on Sunday called Facebook Timeline. Long story short, you’re able to view all your past things EVER posted with a much easier click of the button. You can click on any year and scroll to find certain pictures or events. I found a way to get it early and in this I began tagging where pictures were taken and it shows little pins on a map. It was fun to see where I’d been. This DID take hours upon hours and I doubt anyone is as ocd as me to go through all their thousands of pictures to do the same. However, this trip down memory lane was interesting. I thought how young some people looked! And how there were so many good memories, along with so many I wish to forget.

After I get married, I want to go on a cruise. Why after I marry? Because nobody my age has money or time to go now. Or they just don’t go. I don’t know. I want to go to the beach, and Savannah Georgia, and a cruise, and I’m willing to save up money to go, but others don’t. And I admit I get really frustrated with that. But I guess I’d rather do that with somebody I’m married to anyways right? And beyond that I want to travel to other countries. I wouldn’t mind living in a really small house if that meant we could go cool places. Oh, and this for sure includes Disney World and Islands of Adventure again. :-) And Hawaii. And New York. I mean it’s only like $200 for a plane ticket to NY! That’s not too bad! $450 or so to Washington state! Those numbers seem so low to me because the plane ticket to Kenya costs around $2,500 though. Anything below that just sounds WAY cheaper.

Random side note – this one youtube video I did where I sang, “Someone Like You” by Adele 3 months ago, started getting around 1,000 hits a day in the past month, so it’s up to 32,000 views! Wow! I mean think about 1,000 people viewing it every day – that’s a lot! I always delete the mean comments because DANG some people are mean! What possesses people to say such things about the way people look or sing? Geez. Anyways, it’s been interesting to see the views shoot up when generally my few other videos that got the most hits maybe got 1,000 total.

I would like to take a moment to say that I am SO ridiculously thankful for the people who are in my life right now. For 4 years in college I had a few friends here and there during my classes, but only IN class, rarely outside of class. I went to an amazing girls’ bible study my freshman and sophomore year of college, but when we stopped and went into different majors the only way I kept in touch was through facebook. I only had a few close friends, and often they were too busy, or I was busy as well and our schedules didn’t match up. I prayed so hard for true and deep friends. I prayed for 4 years and was angry that God just gave me a bunch of surface level friends. I kept praying. Last summer God finally answered my prayers. When I began at a new bible study through Northstar, although a lot of people have come and gone over the past year, there are several who I treasure so much and seeing them every week means to much to me. In my last year of college, this time last year I had 4 classes and all 4 with the same women, all of us about to become certified teachers. They were awesome. When student teaching started, I worked with great teachers who were there for me. I knew that they were there for me. With a few people at my home church that went to Kenya I’ve made a point to keep in touch with them better, and also some at my current church. Some awesome people have made a point to get together with me on a regular basis. The young adults’ group at my church has slowly grown and those new friends over the past year have also encouraged me and filled my empty days with laughter. As I now step back and look at who is around me, I am SO blessed. I don’t know why I went 4 years with little to no friends, but He has now given me amazing people of all ages. I pray and thank God for them often.

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