Monday, October 17, 2011


I got this REALLY soft blanket at Khols and I'm excited about it. :-) Can't wait to take it on the retreat this weekend. I'm also really excited about the retreat this weekend, which I mentioned 2 posts ago, and some awesome people are going. :-) My last retreat was more of a learning one with speakers and stuff, this one is more of a fun/hang out one.

Hmm, let's see...

I had pink eye last week. What is up with that? I haven't had it since I was 7 that I remember! Thankfully it wasn't severe - went to Walgreens clinic right after I got up that morning and realized I had it. Had to wear my glasses for a week, but now it's better. Whew. I went to the dentist and then surgery people to confirm my wisdom teeth that need to come out and my surgery is scheduled for Nov 11. They say it shouldn't be too bad, but I'm nervous because of the pain and all the possible side affects.

Last Sunday afternoon was the church picnic with my home church. Last year it got rained out. It was good - got to talk to some people and watch the youth vs adults play kickball. It's weird that after going to the same place for picnics for as long as I can remember, that it changes so much. Not the actual scenery, but the people and what you do. In high school I always hung out with the youth group and got in the slimy river (with sandals on!) and had fun with all these people my age. But now I am older and just kind of hang out with all the adults. Still fun though, just different.

Today I had lunch with my friend Mel at the park. It was soooo nice out. We walked around a little and swung some too on the kid playground but the swings weren't tiny. Tonight I'm having dinner with a friend I made on the retreat a few weeks ago!

In other news, I have a part time job that starts next month! I will be a receptionist for a tae kwan do / aerobics place like 2 min from my house. I'm not sure of the details yet - it's not open yet either - and Sunday we are having a meeting with the owners (who go to my church) and the other people who will be receptionists. Hopefully it will be fun as well as some type of money coming in.

Well, that's it for now folks.

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