Monday, November 22, 2010

Sometimes I want to hide under a rock. But it wouldn't do much good.

There are just days when you want to hide under a rock. When everything you do or say is wrong, when you don't know how to fix things, when you don't want to deal with things, when you want to just step back and drop everything you're doing and saying, "Well, I'm out. See ya in like 10 years." It's one thing if it's like one problem. But as they build up it's just this mountain of frustration and confusion. The more you try to make it better the worse it gets. The more you try to avoid the situation all together, the worse it gets. It's a lose-lose situation.

One time I asked someone, "What do you do when you're in a problem, and you know it's going to be around for a while, and you just don't know what to do with it?" They thought for a minute and then replied, "I just sit with it. I just....go through it. It will eventually pass, even if it takes a long time. And then another problem will come along. You can't let them weigh you down and make your life miserable."

It's true. In fact, most of the time if I think back to a year ago, or even 6 months ago, I don't remember which problems I had unless they're major ones. And oh, those major ones are the worst. Obviously.

And really, what does hiding under a rock look like? Ignoring people? The problem will still be there when you come out of hiding. Your feelings are still the same. You still feel like a looser.

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