Sunday, July 2, 2017

Kids and babies!

I was going to share this after I got back from Kenya, but decided to share it now instead.  
Over the past few months I’ve been spending time with my friends with babies and small kids. One thing I hear all across the board is that they have this little human to take care of constantly – or more than one – and sometimes they’re just tired! (Or always?) 
At this point in my life, I’m pretty up in the air about having kids. Not that it’s anywhere in my near future anyways. If I was to never have kids, I might be ok with it. If I had one kid, I’d also be ok with it. If I had two kids, or even twins, I’d be ok with it. If I only adopted, I’d be ok with it. I am not really too swayed in any one direction right now. I love kids! But I could also see myself not having any. I know, it’s weird and hard to explain. 
If I never had kids though, I think it would be cool to be a married couple that could have foster kids spend the night because their current foster kids went out of town and couldn’t take the kids with them. Or my friends’ kids could stay the night if they are little and both parents are super sick and are having a hard time taking care of them. Until then though, I also want to help out where I can! In the past, I’ve gone over to someone’s house to just help sort and put away all the kids’ laundry and clean up the kitchen. Other times I’ve just played with the baby while the mom took a much needed nap. And sometimes the mom’s are like, “I just want conversations with an adult instead of a toddler/baby!” so we go to the park or hang out at their house or go to Starbucks and just catch up, and it’s meeting a different kind of need. Another time when a mom was sick and didn’t want to load up the kids and go to the grocery store, I went by and got her food and drinks since her husband was at work. 
The trick is though, a lot of women don’t really ask for help, maybe because they don’t know who to ask and don’t want to be a burden, or they have asked and someone couldn’t do it, or just think they’re supposed to be super mom. I don’t know all of the reasons, since I don’t have kids myself. But I want to be someone who people can ask for help! Specifically, I’m telling you, if you have babies and little kids, I want to help you! Message me or text me or something. I do work 10-6 most days, with my normal off days being Thursdays and Sundays, but I have other random off days too. It could be something semi-regularly like every other week or once a month, only when you’re sick, random times to catch up, or just when a need arises.

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