Thursday, April 16, 2015

People in life

I think it's interesting to see what makes people stressed, sad, and excited, to see what they are passionate about, what their strengths and weaknesses are, and what quirks they have. We all have the unique and intricate things about us that make us who we are. Sometimes other people make us want to be better people, or inspire us and refresh us. It's great to find someone who is not only encouraging but also challenges us to pursue God more and change our outlook on life.

Because of our uniqueness, it is so helpful to have other people around you that balance you out or that you work well with. Where my weaknesses are, it's someone else's strengths. Where we feel attacked by lies, others can show you what the truth is. When we are complaining too much or stuck in a rut, others can help us change our perspective and/or pray for us.

I'm so thankful for the friends I have in my life who are those people to me. It's not easy to find, and it's not easy to keep. It takes intentionality and persistence. It takes grace for others, and grace for yourself, forgiving and forgetting, and unconditional love. It means being humble enough to say, "I am wrong, and you are right." It means being patient enough to say, "You're getting on my nerves, but I love you anyways." It means being honest enough to say, "You hurt me. But I'm not giving up on you."

Sometimes it's hard for me not to stay friends with ALL the friends I've ever had! I want to keep in touch with them and hang out with them. And as life moves on and we aren't in each other's lives that is HARD for me. But I want to make the most of the friends I have in my life right now. I don't ever want to take them for granted or let silly things get in the way.

You know those times when you had a major scrape or cut, like falling and skinning your knees on the pavement, and you keep a bandaid on it for like a week for it to heal? And then you see that it's pretty much healed, like 95%, and it's time for the bandaid to stay off, but you're afraid something will happen and you'll hurt it again? Sometimes that's my heart. Sometimes it gets wounded and I emotionally stay closed off to people or don't "wear my heart on my sleeve." Even after my heart is pretty much healed, I think, "But what if it gets hurt again? What if someone says things that hurt me again or decides I'm not worth being friends with?" And I want to keep the bandaid on my heart. I remember watching, "Once Upon A Time," and someone said, "That wall of yours may keep out the pain, but it also keeps out love." Oh so true.

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