Thursday, July 17, 2014

Throw back time! 25 Random Things. 2014. Yo.

Remember when 25 Random Things was a thing? Ah well, here's for good ol' times sakes.

1. I read multiple books at once. But sometimes I won't read for months at a time.

2. I have a great long term memory (like a crazy one), and a terrible short term memory. This makes things at work difficult.

3. I write in my journal about once a week or every other week. But no longer than every other week. Not because I force myself to, but because I enjoy it.

4. I like writing letters to people, and receiving written letters. But neither happen very often.

5. I feel like I'm learning to communicate better. When people at work are mad I try to talk to them about it calmly instead of being passive aggressive or confrontational.

6. It's hard for me to stand still. I either pace/walk around or sway. I don't know why.

7. I pretty much add the number 7 or 77 or 777 to everything. My e-mail address, somewhere in my passwords for things sometimes, usernames, etc.

8. I might have kids. But I might adopt. I'd totally be ok with adopting instead of having my own kids, because being pregnant and then having a baby sounds terrible. At this point in my life I'm up for either one. I might be too old to have kids by the time that's an option anyways.

9. I'm 26. Wait what? When did that happen? I know, on my birthday. But really, it's weird.

10. I am never, ever doing online dating again. Kudos to those who were successful in it, but I have never been. Nor do I ever want to try again in that way. The last date I went on a few months ago asked me what I thought about predestination on the first date. NO. NOT a first date question.

11. I wish I wasn't night owl. I wish I didn't sleep so long, and so soundly through my alarms every morning. But, I am thankful that I fall asleep pretty much immediately.

12. I want a house some day with a secret door, a hot tub, and a back porch swing. Is that too much to ask? Oh, and a library room, where my husband and I will put all our books together in one room with comfy chairs and no TV and it will be a room to read in and pray in and that's it.

13. I loved elementary school. I hated middle school. I loved high school. I hated college.

14. My current church is my favorite of all the ones I've been to so far in life. I obviously love my home church because I was there 12 years and that was all I had known, and wouldn't trade those years. But the church I'm at now is perfect for where I am in life now.

15. I might read Young Adult Fiction more than I ever read regular fiction because it's more unrealistic, interesting, and unpredictable. I don't want to read about divorce, a person who's child died, sappy romance, or horror books. No thanks.

16. Sometimes I just want people to be on their phones less. If we're with friends or in a meeting or at church or bible study or whatever, why don't we soak in our surroundings more, and the people who are around us? 

17. I'm 3 years out of college, and I'm still glad I decided not to teach.

18. I use things I learned in student teaching on adults because sometimes adults act like kids.

19. I don't have a favorite book, movie, or song. But my favorite tv series is Gilmore Girls.

20. I've lived here for 19 and a half years, and I like that. I enjoy going places and seeing people I know, and getting to know people at different jobs / locations that I go. I enjoy seeing people change over time and seeing them grow.

21. I don't take "mean" joking very well most of the time.

22. Life is weird.

23. Even as my passions and interests in life change, I hope to always pursue them, because without them, life is boring.

24. I think that compliments are underrated. Whether it be to a friend, a family member, a coworker, or a total stranger, there are compliments people have given me that made my day better, or that really touched my heart. Sometimes "I like your shirt" goes farther than you know, and even more personal compliments are even better.

25. I don't like seeing PDA. I don't even know why. It just makes me uncomfortable. So I wonder if I will be that way when I'm in a relationship or if I'll be like, "I don't care what anybody else thinks!"

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