Wednesday, July 30, 2014


This will be a mishmash of things. So, carry on with the knowledge that these paragraphs aren't going to connect. :-)

It's funny how sometimes you can't use words to describe things. Feelings or events or people... you write what you can, but it just doesn't accurately describe it. Sometimes I write in my journal with as much as description as I can, so that when the memories fade from my mind I can re-read them to bring it back clearly. But sometimes I can only do so much.

I'm on the third book (of three) in a series called, "The Selection." I picked it up because it had a good cover. Skipping the summary of the plot, I will just say that there's a lot of romance and trying to figure out who likes who in these books. I almost stopped reading half way through the second one because of how incredibly cheesy they were, but at least they were clean since it's technically a young adults' book (but that doesn't always stop the writers). And the plot was enough to keep me going. But I read these things and laughed out loud thinking, "Nobody freaking says this! And if they do I've never heard of these thing said to other people." Let me give you some examples: "When you told me how you felt, I was so relieved that a part of me didn't believe it. I still have a hard time accepting it was real. You'd be surprised how infrequently I get something I truly want." "It's just the way it is. The sky is blue, the sun is bright, and Aspen endlessly loves America. It's how the world was designed to be. Seriously Mer, you're the only girl I ever wanted. I couldn't imagine being with anyone else. I've been trying to prepare myself for that, just in case, and... I can't." (Yes, Aspen and America are two of the characters names.) "'We're a mess, aren't we?' 'A big one.' 'Sometimes I feel like we're a knot, too tangled to be taken apart,' I nodded. 'It's true. So much of me is tied up in you. I feel kind of lost without you.'"

It's almost been a year since I've been at Vertical Life Church! Happy dance! I was telling my friend Joy about it on Sunday since she's been gone for a year. Recapping things that have happened in the past year feels like SO much (even though we've kept in touch about once a month), but when we talk about some things that were a year ago, it doesn't seem that long ago. Time passing is weird. And I've been at my bible study for 4 years. Now THAT has seemed like forever. :-) But that's so good.

I want to go to Charleston, SC soon. For real. Since I'm going to Washington for my cousin's wedding in September and probably a leadership retreat in October, the spring will be a better time to go. I think there would be some beautiful things to take pictures of in Charleston too. If I had to move any time soon, I'd move there I think.

Well, 5 million things are going on in my life right now...and likewise that much in my head. But the above writings have been fun, and I will probably go to bed soon. 2 AM is earlier for me than normal LOL, but on nights when my brain is full it's best to just go to bed instead of thinking so much.

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