Friday, June 22, 2018

My scattered thoughts on quitting my job today: Finally!

Today I put my two weeks notice in for Starbucks after almost 7 years. I'll be living off of a 10 hour a week job at my church, and my savings. I'll be job searching extra hard. And praying even harder.

Of course the fears come in. How long can I be without a job? How long can I slowly go through my savings? How long can I keep paying my student loans? How long can I go without insurance?

Is there even a way to ENJOY being without a job (minus my church job)? Is there any way I can even view this as a journey or an adventure? How do I listen to what the Lord is saying and know where the Lord is guiding me? Is there a way to receive peace from Him in this time?

Someone from my church that I don't even know all that well sent me a message about something else, and then saw that I quit my job and said, "Congratulations! I'm sure that was a big decision. But it's amazing the opportunities that God provides when we're not busy doing the stuff we don't need to be doing." WOW! What a perspective switch! I know that God has wanted me at Starbucks and I have planted lots of seeds there, but maybe there came a time when my season of fruitfulness there was over and I just stayed because I didn't have another job. Who knows.

There are so many rude, annoying, and angry customers that I'm glad I'll never have to see again. There are so many unrealistic, stupid, petty rules I'll never have to follow again.

I'll have to exercise more since I won't be on my feet 8 hours a day. I'll save money in gas from not driving 20 minutes to and from work each day. I'll have to cut back on drinking coffee because I won't be able to afford it, but maybe it'll be good for my body anyways.

Maybe I'll only be off for 2 weeks, and then get a job, and then this time in-between jobs will be shorter than I imagined.

Things I'm Thankful For:
-Friends that are praying for me, going to keep me accountable to job searching, are encouraging, and who make my life so beautiful
-My church
-Church job that I love
-I already have books to read so I don't need to buy any more
-God has been answering other prayers in my life and other people's lives and it has been great to see!

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