Saturday, September 23, 2017


God’s funny. I mean it. He is.

The other day I was praying, and I asked Him, “Is there anything I should be doing to prepare for being married?” In my head I was thinking like what I should be working on as far as my character, reading certain books, certain habits, etc. In response, I heard a thought not of my own, “Deep clean your room. You don’t want all of this stuff going into a marriage, unpacking boxes of random things into a new home.” Eew. What? I hate cleaning. And I laughed because I’m like, ok, but I’m not even dating anybody, why should I go through all my stuff as if I were close to marriage? *Insert eye roll here.*

But since I felt like He actually said that, that’s what I’ve been doing the past few days. I have boxes of things that I either thought I might want/use later in life, or things that are sentimental to me. But honestly, there are also things I’ve been just too lazy to go through, and therefore it just sat there. Things I knew would take hours to go through so I didn’t want to do it, kind of like trying to clean out 5,000 emails in your inbox, when it’s just easier to let them stay. So anyways, not that I’ve been “cleaning” to make my room look clean, but purging to make my room be less full.

In the process, it’s a walk down memory lane. It’s pictures that bring back so many happy memories, and also so many sad ones. It’s a reminder of the people who have made me “me,” and the people who I’m SO GLAD AREN’T IN MY LIFE ANYMORE. Hahaha.

So, future husband, somewhere out there on planet earth, some day you will be glad I’ve whittled down my stuff so that when I unpack I will enjoy showing you parts of my life that were important to me, instead of just stuff I kept because I was too lazy to deal with it. 

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