Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be home again

Tomorrow I leave for Tacoma, Washington! This will be my 4th time going there. I'm going for my cousin's wedding. Over time, I have become friends with their friends and extended family, and I look forward to seeing them again! If I lived there, I know those people would be my friends too. Last year my cousin who is 23 (Emily) got married, and now my cousin who is 21 (Carly) is getting married. In the past, when they both lived at home (and up until Emily's wedding night last year), the girls shared a room, and when I came I stayed in the guest bedroom when it was just me, or on the floor in their room when my mom came with me last year. It was so great spending so much time with them, going to visit them at work at a coffee shop, going to the fair, going to church, going to pretty places outside.... Now they will both have their own apartments and shared cars with their husbands and the next time I visit, I will have to figure out who I will be staying with and who I will be hanging out with, and it will be more complicated. I love their new husbands and am so thankful they found them! But part of me is sad that now things are different. I'm also guessing they will have kids soon, and that they next time I visit, they will have babies since I don't go there every year.

When I went there last September, I was anxious to get away from here. I wanted time away from Starbucks, and just everything going on at home. But this time, I'm almost sad to be gone... Not from Starbucks (LOL) but from bible study, leadership meetings, church, and my friends. I'll only be gone 6 days and it will be 11 days of actually not seeing my friends, but I already feel like I miss them. And I know, of course, that when I leave WA I will also miss my aunt, uncle, cousins, and friends there.

I already have a GREAT book I just started that I can't wait to read, and also needing to journal on the plane, so I am excited about the long plane ride.

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