Thursday, July 23, 2015

Introvert vs Extrovert

In elementary school I was extroverted.
In middle school I was introverted.
In high school I was extroverted.
In college I was introverted.

And now I'm both. Split down the middle. It depends on who I'm around, how many people I'm around, how long I've known them, how much coffee I have or haven't had, what time it is, how serious the atmosphere is, whether or not I'm PMSing, whether or not I am tired or not... I take the personality tests and I'm literally 50/50. I used to always think I recharged best as an introvert, and for the most part I think that's still true. I need a lot of time to myself to read, journal, pray, not have any sound, and think. But over time I've also realized I really need time with people to talk to and be around. So even in the "recharging" aspect I think I'm coming to be right in the middle.

Where I'm NOT in the middle is that I'd rather be talking to one person (or two, but three is pushing it) instead of being in a bigger group of people. Even at work when there are 6 or 7 us when I first get there in the afternoon, I'm just not a fan of it. There's too many different conversations going on, too many people I want to talk to, too many different personalities. When we dwindle down to 3, and then 2, that's when real conversations happen. At bible study, when there are a roomful of people, even if I know all of them, I still can't focus well in a conversation. I get distracted, feel overwhelmed, or can't get past the basics of conversations, because I'd rather be real with somebody and have a serious conversation. But you can't do that with loud noises and people needing to get by you. As a result, sometimes I hardly talk to anybody. Or I pull somebody off somewhere else, out of the way of everybody else.

On a side note, on talking to people, not that I've been on a plane a ton of times, but I have been on several different planes / flights to Kenya, Slovakia, and Seattle. But none of the times I've been on a plane have I sat next to someone that I really wanted to talk to for a long amount of time. I always thought it would be cool to find someone my age to talk to or someone with a cool story. Well, there's still time in life.

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