Thursday, October 31, 2013

A few random thoughts

The thing is... you don't know when the people around you won't be around you anymore. Whether it be from death, moving, changing jobs, growing apart, an argument, people being too busy ... So I constantly try to take time to appreciate people in my life and not take them for granted. It's not a constant fear of losing people, but a constant awareness of limited time with people in life, and trying to make the most of it as well as telling them I am thankful for them.

Sometimes I think about the amount of time I spend playing games like Candy Crush, or being online or doing random things, and think of what a waste of time it is. But besides reading books and stuff, what else would be a more beneficial use of my time? Right now I'm in a bit of a limbo because I am no longer helping with students at church or helping with videos because I switched churches, so I'm not sure where to serve at the moment, or where to give of my time. Will I look back on this time of my life and regret how much time I wasted? If so, what will I wish I would have done more of?

I like writing and taking pictures and remembering good times and making things beautiful. Life can be full of monotony, frustration, and pain on a day to day basis. But I try to make a conscious effort to find what is beautiful anyways. Sunsets, clouds, the changing colors of the leaves, flowers, friendships, texts and messages from my friends, hugs, laughter, silliness. Not only does this search for beauty make life better, it also becomes more natural over time. Someone at work said to me once, "All sunsets are the same. Why do you go out and take so many pictures of them all the time? They're not like snowflakes where each one is different." My mouth dropped. "What?! Yes they are all different! They're all so pretty!" I pray that my eyes will never stop seeing the beauty of creation and God's hand in life.

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