Friday, July 26, 2013


Words I still remember that hurt a lot:

- "You only got that solo because you're the pastor's daughter." -middle school church choir
- "You're a cry baby." - middle school
- "You're a goody-goody." - middle and high school
- "Since everybody else has a partner I guess I have to be partners with you." - 8th grade
- "We're not best friends. We used to be, but we're not anymore. I thought you knew that." - high school
- "You have a butt part. When your hair is parted down the middle it's a butt part and it looks weird." -high school

After high school....
- "I didn't miss you while I was gone."
- "We aren't going to be friends anymore. Don't speak to me."
- "I know someone invited you to go to the movies with us, but I'm uninviting you because I think it'd be best if we weren't around each other."
- "You're just holier than thou."
- "I think it's fine if we joke about sex while we're at work... we're all adults here. Except for Jennifer."
- "I don't know why you're telling me that story. I don't really care."
- "I don't like you as more than a friend."
- "You could stand to lose some weight, especially in your stomach."
- "You're close-minded."

Words I still remember that were nice:

- "You don't speak a lot, but when you do, you project really well." - one of my 7th grade teachers
- "You sing amazing! I love your voice." - a bunch of people over time
- "You are my best friend and I can tell you anything." - middle school
- "You write really well." - a bunch of people over time
- "You're the only freshman that I like." - a senior in high school
- "You're the only person we've let baby-sit our daughter because we trust you." - high school

After high school....
- "You were the first person who was nice to me and made me feel accepted here."
- "You take great pictures!"
- "You handled that very maturely."
- "I look up to you."
- "You are beautiful."
- "I love you."
- "You were one of my favorite students."
- "I want to be friends with you again. I want to be close friends with you again."
- "You have a great work ethic and determination."
- "You have a way of seeing beauty in things that others don't."
- "I like talking to you. Stay."
- "You have such a great heart."
- "You're younger than me and have more discipline than me in reading the bible. I look up to you even though I'm older than you! And that encourages me to read it more! "
- "Thank you for not being passive aggressive and just talking about something that is bothering you with someone."
- "You have a good way of describing the way you feel and expressing that."
- "Remember when I was mad at you for something that you thought you were doing that was best for me a few years ago? You were right. And I'm so glad you did that, even when I was mad at you at the time."
- "Look what you went through before and look where you are now. You have come so far and I know that you can make it through this too."

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