Monday, March 4, 2013

To choose joy

It's like... I KNOW.

I know that God has a plan. I know He knows what's best. I know He is able to bring things together or pull things apart. I know He is able to heal, restore, and rejuvinate. I know He puts us through seasons in life. I know that it's not all about "being happy" in life but in bringing Him glory through everything. I know that it's not all about getting more money in jobs, but in being a light in the darkness, being used where you are, and being patient. I know that God's timing is perfect.

And my brain says, "Check. Got it."

And my heart cries out anyways.

I'm thankful for times God gives me clarity. It may not be in huge amounts or in "this is exactly why" or tells me what's going to happen in my life in the future. But it's moments when I know why something happened or is happening. And God says, "THIS is why. For now."

Ok. So, how do you keep on? What does it practically look like to focus on God and turn your eyes away from your pain or frustration? First of all, as girls are emotional, it's not easy to go, "Cool well I'm just not going to feel that emotion anymore." So to any man who ever says, "You shouldn't feel that way," I kind of want to punch you. Just sayin. Believe you me, if I had the option of chosing not to feel a certain away, I wouldn't! I know guys don't always understand that emotion that drives us, but that doesn't mean you can belittle it. It takes time. Heck, I don't even understand it half the time and that sure makes me mad. Secondly, because these emotions of sadness, jealousy, pain, anger, or uncontentment can take over and make your entire LIFE miserable, you have to redirect your emotions and energy. It's an action. Without purpose in it, you might just keep on feeling the same way.

Things I Do When I Need to Get Out of an Emotional Time
(Wow. That's a long name for a list.)

1. Read the bible. A lot. Or at least more than I usually do. This includes the times when I'm trying to sleep and can't because of my thoughts and I have to turn my bible app on and read til I'm more tired.

2. Do things that naturally make me happy - no forcing, no over-indulging in junk food, no fake happiness. So for me it means reading good books, watching TV shows that I love and make me laugh, hanging out with friends, going somewhere just to take pictures, writing, and listening to good music. There's more but I'll stop there.

3. Pinpoint when I'm more sad than others. (Night, when I'm bored, when I'm around certain people, when I'm overwhelmed...) Then act accordingly. Go to bed earlier. Find something productive to do.

4. Make a list on my phone (or paragraphs, whatever) that is a reminder of things, that in the moment I'm too sad I can read it and be like, "Oh yeah."

5. Don't dwell on it. Don't keep thinking about it. If it's a situation where I NEED to act or else things won't change then I take those times to work on it, but then let it go again. Like finding a new job. I can't stress and spend hours upon hours on it, hating work while I'm there, etc. I take time to search, brainstorm, and pray but then I move on from it as much as possible. It can't suck up my day every day.

6. Go encourage others. Go serve others. Focus on loving others.

7. Sometimes I DO have to talk about it with people. Sometimes just briefly, other times for hours. Sometimes I have to get it all out and have them speak truth to me that I'm missing.

8. Pray. But after a while if I keep praying and that triggers the emotion all over again, I just say, "Help me in this situation. Your will be done. Give me peace, joy, and Your strength through this," and then keep praying about something else.

9. Make lists of things I'm thankful for, prayers God has answered recently, etc. Taking a moment to say, "Ok, even though these particular things stink, I still have great friends, great parents, I have things in life that I enjoy..."

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