Saturday, March 3, 2012

Starbucks and life

I've been working at Starbucks for 3 months now. Besides actually making the drinks, there are other things to do... You have to brew coffee every 10-30 minutes depending on how many types are brewing. Each one can't sit longer than 30 minutes, plus during busy times they'll run out before it's time to brew more so you have to watch it and brew more. There's always a ton of dishes. You have to make more whip creams. Change all the trash cans when they get full in the bathrooms, out in the cafe, outside, and behind the counter where we work. Cleaning and restocking bathrooms and the condiment bar. Sweeping and moping. Marking out pastires and foods that expire each night. Making more mocha (the syrup has to be made by hot water and some powder and mixed together), more frappachino roast (the coffee that goes into the frappachinos are different than the espresso in the other coffees), and ice coffee. Restocking cups, lids, sweet and low, splenda, raw sugar, and honey. Deep cleaning certain things on certain days, doing inventory once a week, and dusting the light fixtures up high on the ceiling.

Brewed coffee, lates with different flavors, frappachinos, hot teas, iced teas, ice teas with lemonade, smoothies, breakfast sandwiches or lunch paninis in the oven, pastries, gift cards, pounds of coffee ground for specific types of machines people have at home, boxed or bottled drinks (kids chocolate milk, regular kids milk, apple juice, bottled water, izzys, double shot espresso, naked juice). Decaf or regular, different types of milk, different syurps, different options (like no foam, no whip cream, certain temperatures like extra hot or less hot), different sizes, different number of pumps or scoops of things for different sized drinks....

Buttons galore on the cash registar, headsets, drivethrough, dicounts, special deals / cupons, drink holders, spill stoppers, SPEED, can't get the top on so it explodes or overflows, drop stuff, oven breaks and keeps beeping, fridge breaks and everything melts / gets warm and gross, fridge freezes everything so it explodes or pours out frozen bits of heavy whipping cream, tips get stolen, people are angry, people are happy, people talk too much, people are on their phone while ordering, coordinating everyone getting a ten minute break every 2 hours and a 30 minute break to eat every 4 hours, running out of something important (LIKE TOILET PAPER or recipet paper, or COFFEE to brew!!!!) and having to call another nearby starbucks and send someone to go get stuff, different coworkers and their quirks and personalities (some matching, some clashing), phone ringing.

Did I lose you? :-) Cause I lost myself.

And you thought we just made your coffee in a few seconds and handed it out. Ha. :-p So did I before working there.

Besides Starbucks, which is 28-38 hours of my week, I'm in the middle of Harry Potter 3 right now, deep in the castle of Hogwarts, anticipating the battle of good verses evil. I'm learning about the culture and language of Slovakia with meetings every other week or so as we prepare to go this late June - early July. I'm watching several TV shows, some of which are wrapping up soon and some of which are just starting. My two bible studies are keeping me on my toes and I love the friendships I have there. I'm passively looking for a second job or a full time salary paid job. I eat 2-4 cadburry eggs a night. :-) I love the time I get to spend with my friends eating meals or drinking starbucks and having long conversations. Saving money is hard.

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