Saturday, July 16, 2011

Yes, I love technology, but not as much as you you see, But I still love technology, Always and forever

I've had my Kindle for a few weeks now, and I've liked it much better than I thought I would. The only thing I don't like about it is that when I want to write notes on it, it just puts it as a little number by where I wanted to add a note and it's just not the same. I bought a cute cover and sticker thing to go on it, but it hasn't come yet. Reading is fantastic and I'm sad for those who don't have a love of reading!!!!

I've had my iPhone 4 for almost 3 months now and it's great! It's not that full yet, as far as space goes, but it's slowing down a bit. The battery is also dying faster and I'm sure I'm doing something wrong with it to make it do that, because all devices are different in how to make the batteries last longer. I like that I can check my e-mail and facebook when I'm standing in a long line at the store or wherever - it makes it go by faster!

My camera, iPhone, Kindle, and laptop are my favorite. I just love technology and all that goes with it!

Google + is copying facebook in a colorless way. It looks stupid. Like having two facebooks. There's nothing that it has better than facebook, so why would you want to complicate things and have to post twice as much stuff and have to look for your friends all over again with no easy way to do it? It says it can check your e-mails to see who has google +, but I don't put people's e-mail in my address book because I just send them a facebook message. Twitter is also annoying to me because you can't comment directly on someone's tweet, you have to comment on your own page and tag them. Plus there aren't enough characters because a lot of my status' are long.

My GPS is very helpful when it's a new place, and way better than my iphone GPS because the iphone GPS doesn't talk to you and tell you when to turn, it doesn't reroute, and you have to manually move it with your finger instead of it automatically moving with you. My GPS is old though, and I don't know how to update it, so a lot of places I try to go aren't on the map! And the cord is falling apart because I set something heavy on it once. I don't really want to get a brand new one, but I may have to. I'm directionally challeneged so I use it a lot!

Changing subjects now....

When I was in middle school I hated it. HATED IT. Not just "I don't like school" but like I hated everything. I had very low self-esteem, very little friends, was made fun of, etc. A lot of times I played mental games in my head to block out the bad stuff. I'd start off a day by saying, "Today I'm going to compliment 10 people in every class period" or "I'm going to pretend that there is someone from a magazine following me around all day taking pictures of me because my life is so cool." I'd keep my mind busy with interesting things so I wouldn't quite feel the weight of everything going on around me. It's been a long time since I've done that, but there are times now when I turn that mentalitly back on. When I don't feel like I can handle a situation and can't get out of it, I search for a way to mentally check out. I start thinking of what I'm going to do during the weekend, I make up scenarios in my head of conversations with other people or things that could happen in the future, I think of ways to keep my mind occupied so that I'm not letting what is around me get to me. Sometimes it doesn't work, and a lot of times I don't need to do it, but I still do sometimes. Something in me says, "I can't do this - how am I going to cope with this? What can I do to keep myself from breaking down?" Sometimes I also start replaying happy stuff in my head, like specific times in Kenya. I put on a movie in my head and imagine being there again as much my brain allows me to and still be functioning in the present.

I think I eat chocolate every day. Because tonight I looked over and saw that my chocolate stash was gone and thought, "What? I need chocolate!" and searched the house. I found chocolate chips, not my favorite, but still had some. Hmm, maybe I need to cut back on that. I've also had a LOT more coffee in the past few months because it's free at work, and I go past starbucks all the time. Hmmm, also need to cut back on that.

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