Thursday, June 2, 2011

Work and such

I dislike coffee in general.... the taste of it I mean. There's a Kruieg (sp?) at my work - a machine where you put in a different flavor cup, push a button, and it pours out one cup of coffee of your flavor. But they all taste the same to me! For real! I've tried with with sugar, cream, half and half, whatever, and it's all just gross. The best I can do is pouring a hot chocoalte mix into it. At Starbucks I always get a peppermint mocha - hot or iced - and it tastes way better. Not much coffee in it though so it probably doesn't give me as much energy. Speaking of energy, Mountain Dew does pretty well on those days where I'm sitting at my desk at 4:30 and my eyes can barely stay open. But, as all doctors say, don't drink caffine because it mesess with your sleep. My sleep has ALWAYS been messed up, caffine or no caffine, so I say well then heck, I'm drinking caffine!

With my job I now work 9-5 generally, with some weeks being 7:45 - 5:30 when we train people. I get an hour for lunch except during training weeks. Sometimes I take the whole hour, go somewhere out to eat, and read a book the rest of the time which is fantabulous. Other times I eat and then go back to work since I'm hourly right now. Anyways, before I always had breaks to look forward to like Spring Break, summer, Christmas break, etc. but with this, a real job, there's no break. It's weird. It's like loooking down a long hallway and not seeing the end of it. But, in contrast to a teaching position, I have nights and weekends to do as I please instead of lesson plans and grading papers, so that is where the free time goes. BUT (again, yes) some days I get home and I'm just flat out tired and take a two to three hour nap. Then I'm mad because I wasted my free time. Sigh.

I like my iPhone 4, it's pretty great.

I wanted to go to the beach this summer from a Thursday through a Sun but nobody can go with me which I'm pretty bumbed about. Other people are getting to go to the beach but had already had plans. I haven't been in 5 years! Sometimes it's frustrating because I see people going fun places and traveling and I've been to Kenya but that's about it. I've been on some youth trips as well, but as far as going fun places on vacation or with friends, it hasn't happened. Everybody is busy or short on money or whatever. It's frustrating.

I got an office at my work! Got a desk with drawers that lock, a bulletin board with pictures, a white erase board for things I need to get done, and some paintings on the wall. Hopefully my bookshelf will come in soon. It's pretty exciting to have my own office! I like to sit at my desk although I don't get to much beause I'm up making copies, setting thigns up for training, at the store to get things for them, etc.  But I might be more when we don't have training weeks. Although next week we have a lot of big meetings as a staff / corporate and have to get everything ready for back to school in August.

1 comment:

  1. If you haven't developed a taste for coffee yet, you probably won't, I reckon. I started drinking it in college. You're probably better off, though. Do you drink tea ever? Tea is kind of nice sometimes.

    Your office looks great. I hope your job is challenging and fun (most of the time-- no job is fun all the time, I think.)
