Saturday, March 12, 2011

Things that make life good each week

The things in life that make each week good....

-holding a baby on Thursday nights at bible study and hearing her laugh
-my friends who I see here and there
-some of the students in my class hugging me, drawing me a picture, or saying something nice to me
-bible study (s)
-church on Sun nights
-my parents who listen to me talk for like an hour when I get home every day
-some people's texts that make me smile or laugh
-the moments when I accomplish something and am proud of it

This morning I went to my church for a yard sale. Some people were selling stuff to get money to go to Kenya this summer. There are times when I don't think so much about Kenya and not going to it, and I'm ok during those times. Then there are times when it hits me harder that I want to go and can't. The memories from my two times there are SO vivid. So strong. I remember the 2nd time I was there thinking, "I need to take it all in, every second of it. I need to constantly remember - I'm here! Because before you know it you're back home." I also want to serve God in big ways here. But as days go by, I have a hard time knowing what that looks like here. I want to serve at Wellspring as I've mentioned before, but my time is limited to none. I am in debt and haven't had a job in 8 months, so using my money for others is also very limited. But, there are seasons in life where God will allow me more time to serve than others, or I will be serving people without realizing it until later.

Side note....why is it that when you get nervous your throat gets dry and your mouth tastes bad? It's so annoying.

Lots to do this weekend....some I have to do, some I want to do. Some are for work, some are for fun / for me. We'll see how much I actually get done!

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