Monday, November 30, 2009


When I was 14 I got a xanga. It was a blog, but everybody had it. It was the quivalent to facebook. It still "there" but I dont' write on it anymore. However, it's funny to see what went on 7 years ago, to look back and go, "Oh, that's what it was like to be 14." So here I am at 21, and maybe when I'm 30 I'll look back and see what was going on now and say, "Oh, that's what it was like to be 21."

So lets see.

I'm in my 4th year in college. I wanted to graduate in 4 years, but it won't be until 5 years. :-( Everyone says, "It's ok, everybody graudates in 5 years now" but I didn't want that to be me. I didn't take 5 classes every semester which I was supposed to, sometimes the classes I needed were full, and I had to take a history class 3 times before I passed. But people say I'm in good shape because teaching jobs are hard to find and maybe by then they'll be easier to find. I've wanted to be a teacher since I was 9 so I'm ready to BE one! Overall though college has been.... different than I expected. I haven't enjoyed it. I've liked some of the social aspects of it, duh, but that's about it. Sometimes after a semester I never see those people again, so I try not to make too many friends in my classes sometimes. I'm not very good at goodbyes and find it pointless to invest so much into people that I will only see for about 4 months of my life, maybe two semesters if I'm lucky. My 500 friends on facebook really boil down to like 10 friends in real life. Besides that I find half the stuff I've learned in college to be useless, or even if it IS important I don't remember it 6 months later. But I hope I'm a good teacher, I've learned a lot of stuff pretaning that.

I just finished working 14 months at a Christian Bookstore. Oh retail. There are truely crazy people in the world. That's all I will say about that.

I am now baby-sitting 2 days a week this semester and 3 next semester for a family of 4 kids. I'm glad I have this job.

I am renting a house 10 minutes from school. I've been here since last August and love love love it. I'll be moving back home next August though because when I student teach and all that I won't be able to have a job. And I'm already living off of loans. Yipee. But not worrying about all that now, just enjoying the opportunity to decorate my house, eat random food, stay up late, and enjoy the constant silence or music that I choose. My roomate is a 2nd grade teacher, this is her 3rd year, so our schedules are pretty opposite.

I can't go without saying that God is number one in my life. I went to Kenya twice (2007 and 2009) for a week the first time and 2 the second time for mission trips, and they were the best thing ever. It was so great to give of my time, money, and resources. I teach 9th and 10th grade girls small group at my church on Sun nights and taught middle school girls small group the past two years.

So that about sums up where I am in life right now as far as what I'm doing in general.

Me and some kids at vacation bible school in Kenya, July 2009.

Me, November 29, 2009. It's my profile picture too, but that one is pretty small.

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